Our Wild Thing

Wild thing, you make my heart sing…

Avery is not lacking personality and is our tom boy for sure. We joke that she is the boy we’ll never have. Our little Mowgly has been up to no good since she learned to throw temper tantrums and inflict pain on her big sister 😉 She is a hair puller, pincher, and biter. It’s been a little crazy at our house with having a newborn and two older girls that argue over toys and shred an entire roll of toilet paper into the bathtub. Lol. Let’s just say, we are a work in progress.

On the bright side, Avery can be very sweet. She loves her blankie and always comes running with open arms to give big hugs and kisses. She loves Mickey Mouse, wallets, credit cards and shoes. Her voice is the absolute cutest. Her vocabulary is pretty big now, but I have some favorites that I wish she would never stop saying. ‘Tank you‘ to show her good manners, ‘some‘ when she wants some of my food, ‘done‘ when she is finished with her plate or bowl, ‘lips‘ when she wants lipgloss, ‘loshy‘ when she wants to put lotion on her face, ‘chew‘ when she wants gum, ‘nakey‘ when she is naked (which happens to be most of the day), ‘uppy‘ when she wants to be picked up and ‘holdy‘ when she wants to be held, ‘Where’s Ewwa?” when she’s looking for her big sis. I could go on and on…

Avery, you have given a whole new meaning to the terrible twos. You are so terribly cute and you test every ounce of our patience, but we love you so.


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